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CCW Licensing

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This page is designed to give general information as well as specific requirements regarding the application process for a Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) license from the Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department.

The Orange County Sheriff’s Department is currently updating the CCW Policy 218 to comply with SB2 guidelines that went into effect on January 1, 2024. Some of these changes include: eligibility requirements, application process and training guidelines.

For details on SB 2, please review the information at this link

CCW Licensing Unit Contact Information

Office Location: 320 N. Flower Street, 4th Floor, Santa Ana, CA 92703.

Office Hours: Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., with the exception of County holidays.

Phone Number: (714) 834-7229

Livescan/Fingerprinting Unit: (714) 834-6460


**OC Sheriff does not provide legal advice on firearms or related equipment**

For further information, refer to the Department of Justice or consult with an attorney.